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1.5 Tesla Emar

1.5 What is Tesla Emar?

1.5 Tesla Emar; The imaging technique that can fully separate the tissues, which has a wide and detailed imaging technology, is called 1.5 tesla emar. One of the indispensable techniques of the medical field is imaging methods. Imaging procedures have been performed with different devices for accurate detection of diseases for many years.

It is a preferred diagnostic method for the detection of symptoms that exist November especially in muscle and bone tissues. Specialist physicians work to restore the health of their patients in a short time by combining their theoretical knowledge with this technique.

In previous years, while emar shooting was an application that took an average of 45 minutes, thanks to today’s technology, this process has been reduced to shorter periods and made comfortable. Thanks to the 1.5 Tesla Emar device, this time is limited to a maximum of 10 minutes. The imaging process of patients with weight problems is usually problematic.

Since some devices are suitable for patients weighing up to 150 kilograms, radiological imaging may be a problem for people with a high body mass index. With the help of this device, imaging procedures of people weighing up to 260 kilos can be performed smoothly.

While it is used in the detection of diseases such as cancer types, spinal disorders and hernia, it is preferred in almost every field today. Due to reasons such as frequent use, different types of devices have been developed and made available to patients. The characteristics of the device such as its size, operating principle, lifting power and width may vary with each device. For this reason, it is always advisable to choose devices that are suitable for the patient. The Emar device is a suitable device that can be preferred for each patient.

1.5 Who Does Tesla Emar Not Apply to?

The 1.5 tesla emar device, which is a state-of-the-art technology product, can be made in a very comfortable way without side effects thanks to the working principle it has. When Emar is mentioned, people may not want to have this procedure usually out of concern.

People approach new technological devices with prejudice because old classical devices disrupt the comfort of patients during the procedure. For this reason, when your doctor requests this examination to make a diagnosis, you should take care to have the procedure performed in clinics that use new devices. If we list the people to whom this operation cannot be applied, we will;

1- Patients who undergo angiography through the brain and heart vessels and have cleps inserted

2- Pregnant women and expectant mothers with suspected pregnancy

3- Patients who have a battery in their heart due to rhythm disturbance

4- Patients with metal prostheses on the knees, shoulders and different areas of the body

The patients we have listed are people with a special condition and a weak immune system. For this reason, because we do not know what problems occur during and after the procedure, specialist physicians are usually not applied to these people.

In emergency cases or in patients who do not fully inform their doctor, these special conditions may not be known. For this reason, we recommend that you clearly provide all the information that your doctor requests from you so that complications do not develop during and after the procedure. Otherwise, you may face health problems.

Radiological examinations are requested for the detection of diseases and early treatment. Since there is a very busy appointment situation in public hospitals, especially patients in big cities want to handle this type of procedure in private health institutions.  The Tesla emar device is also a technique found in private institutions and provided with paid services.

Therefore, there are some aspects that you should pay attention to when choosing a clinic. You should study the reviews of people who have previously undergone procedures in this clinic. You can check how accurately and in detail the procedure was performed.

1.5 What are the Features of Tesla Emar?

Although the characteristics of the device may differ depending on the brand it has, it makes noticeable differences to other devices used in the sector. The magnetic field level is very high. For this reason, the tissue makes its clarification carefully.

Thanks to this technology, it details the brain tissue in particular and offers the possibility of perfusion without using contrast media. It is used in the diagnosis of different diseases. Recently, it has become the gold standard in prostate treatment. It helps to detect prostate problems that are common in men at an early stage. Due to its fast operation, it limits the processing time to 10 minutes.

There are some advantages that the device offers. Diseases are detected precisely. The possibility of applying the wrong treatment is almost eliminated. It is the most comfortable technique that can be applied for patients with claustrophobia. It can also be applied very comfortably to babies. Since it works with magnetic resonance and sound waves, there is no radiation risk. Since it is a device that can separate water and fat, it can be used in the diagnosis of diseases of organs such as the liver.

1.5 How is the Tesla Emar Application Process?

The process consists of a 3-stage process. The first stage is the preparatory stage. Patients need to be physiologically and psychologically prepared for this process. It is necessary to remove all the metal accessories that are on it. People who wear jewelry should definitely take off these jewelry.

The second stage consists of the application of sedation. For people suffering from claustrophobia and panic attack disorders, a light dose of sedation is applied. Thanks to this, the patient is comfortable during the procedure and does not experience different physiological problems. The final stage is the execution of the operation. The patient lies flat inside the device.  The arms are at the sides and straight. It should not move during the procedure. After these operations are completed, the device is activated. The average processing time is 10 minutes.

People who have never had an imaging technique before can ask their doctor any questions they have about the procedure. The most important mistake known among the public is to think that the emar procedure was performed by the doctor they examined Dec. Radiology is a very different medical department.

At this stage, the imaging and reporting process is performed by radiology specialists. They present the structures and colorings seen in this field to the requesting physician by making expert physicians. the 1.5 tesla emar shooting process is one of the most comfortable radiological imaging processes.

1.5 What are the Application Areas of Tesla Emar?

Life-threatening and fatal disorders may occur due to reasons such as age progression, environmental factors, eating patterns and living conditions. All kinds of ailments diagnosed at an early stage can be treated. The healthy and quality lives of the patients can be given back to them. Specialists working in the field of medicine do all the work they do for early diagnosis. In recent years, thanks to the 1.5 tesla emar technology, which is a groundbreaking imaging examination in the field of medicine, procedures have been performed in many different areas.

Brain tumors, jaw problems, epilepsy, kidney disease, neurological symptoms of eye disorders, spine disorders, cancer types, shoulder, knee and joint disorders, such as is used in almost every field you can think of. Our body consists of fat and water accumulations. Organs have water and fat formations according to the characteristics they have. After November, muscles, tendons, fats and waters are separated sufficiently, the structures that cause the disease can be detected.

These devices are being developed to ensure that patients achieve quality results in the most reliable way. In order to access the device, it is necessary to get services from private institutions. For this reason, the quality provided by each institution may differ. Since you are paying a certain amount for the transaction, we definitely recommend that you do some research. They can introduce you to different devices that have very little usage area. For this reason, you should not receive services from addresses that you suspect are not reliable.

1.5 Tesla Emar Prices 2024

The size of the area to be shot, the number of areas, the duration of the shooting, whether anesthesia will be applied during the shooting, the location of the clinic and the frequency of preference of the physician are of great importance.

Because physicians who have made a name for themselves in the field of radiology and have a lot of patient potential, procedure fees can be expensive because they provide quality service. It saves you the money you pay for reasons such as correctly diagnosing diseases and providing early treatment opportunities.

Late treatment costs of serious ailments are higher. For this reason, we recommend that you take into account the experience of the physician and the technology of the device when choosing a clinic.

These devices used are extremely quiet. In this way, it does not cause any discomfort for the baby and other elderly patients with special conditions. Patients with psychological disorders may be afraid of the sound and appearance of devices. The Emar device can be safely preferred because it does not cause such problems. Newly established clinics may want to make transactions by offering high prices to patients with special conditions. For this reason, we recommend that you make a clinical selection as a result of detailed research.

There is no October fee for reporting the results after the procedure. After the shooting, the radiology specialist details the images using different techniques on the computer. Thanks to this, the most accurate diagnoses are made.

The reporting period varies according to the patient’s complaints and the imaging procedure performed. For this reason, you can ask your doctor when the reports will be delivered after the procedure. 1.5 you can contact us immediately to get information about tesla emar prices 2024.

Emar Frequently Asked Questions

The first technique used in establishing the exact and accurate diagnosis of diseases and when tissue examination needs to be performed in detail is the emar method.

For this reason, people are curious about the issues related to these devices and the technologies they have. We also answered the questions about the 1.5 tesla emar. You can also read our article to find out the answers to the questions that you have in mind before taking the procedure.

These imaging methods, which seem complicated and complicated, have extremely simple operating systems. For this reason, we recommend that you definitely get the answers to the questions that you have in mind before the procedure. The process of diagnosing diseases causes a certain amount of psychological wear and tear. Therefore, if you know what is being done to you and have an idea about the devices used, you can be more comfortable psychologically.

1.5 Is There Radiation in Tesla Emar?

When Emar is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is whether there is radiation or not. The devices used in previous years are devices that work with the help of X-rays and separate tissues thanks to these rays. Non-radiation devices have been developed with today’s technology. Our device works with sound waves. For this reason, there are no rays in it that can cause gene damage. For this reason, these procedures are often performed on cancer patients as well.

Harmful rays in cancer treatment cause cancer cells to grow and spread rapidly. Therefore, emar withdrawal is prohibited. Thanks to this technology, a great progress has been made in both diagnosis and treatment. People who want to have radiological imaging should definitely ask the clinics which devices they use. After making sure, they should take action.

1.5 Is Tesla Emar Open?

Open emar are technological products developed with the patients who have a very high body mass index and who cannot undergo surgery without a companion. It was developed for babies, paralyzed patients and patients with psychological disorders. 1.5 the tesla emar device is not an open product. It has a closed system.

However, since it is wider and brighter than classic emar devices, it can be used without problems. It is at the highest level in terms of comfort, since patients can listen to music during the procedure. In this way, it does not feel like an audit is being performed and they can perform a smooth operation.