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Scoliosis Size Chart

It is a slight sideways curvature of the spine that occurs in the lumbar or thoracic regions. In the spine, which is in a healthy and normal shape, the bones appear straight down. In scoliosis, on the other hand, these bones have shifted sideways and shifted. They also revolve around themselves.

Our spines, which also act as a bridge, carry almost all of our body weight. There are 33 vertebrae in the spine structure. 23 of them are mobile, and 10 of them are stationary. These bones are connected to each other by ligaments, joints and discs. It also provides body movement. Our muscles that surround the vertebrae are together November with these structures. The spinal cord, which is the brain of our central nervous system, is also located inside the spine under the protection of this system. The spinal cord consists of a nerve tissue that transmits signals from the brain to our limbs, such as the arm, trunk and leg, ensuring communication between them and implementing the exchange of orders Dec. Thanks to him, our hands, arms, feet and legs work. Just as the spine helps us breathe, it controls the stool in our intestines, helps to rotate the body and our head. For a healthy spine, it is necessary to sit properly. It is necessary not to stand properly and upright, and also to avoid carrying too heavy loads.

What Are the Symptoms of Scoliosis?

If this disease is detected in young children in a timely manner, a 100 percent success in the treatment of scoliosis, which threatens its future, is ensured. However, if neglected or undiagnosed spinal curvatures progress despite the diagnosis, waist, back pain and working disorders in the heart and lung organs occur in adulthood. Symptoms of scoliosis we can also describe a few items as follows.

  • Inequality in the distances between the hips and Decapitation.
  • When we release the arms downward, the distance between their state and the body is uneven and the body cannot stand Decently.
  • Because the body does not stand straight, because the head shifts to one side, children come to the conclusion that one leg is longer.
  • For girls, one side of the skirt they wear goes up.
  • It is a symmetry disorder in the chest cage and a feeling of a bump in the shoulder blade.

Literally in order for a diagnosis to be made, it can be with an X-ray taken on the foot, which shows the entire spine, and a hospital examination of the doctor. Scoliosis (height) radiography is performed by standing steadily with a digital X-ray device.

How Often Does Scoliosis Occur?

Scoliosis occurs in approximately 3% of cases. This ratio also covers a small part of extreme curvatures. In girls, on the other hand, it can be seen 10 times more often than in the other sex. Not all patients with spinal curvature need treatment. This is necessary only for a 10% portion. Doing sports and movements routinely, strengthening our back muscles, increasing our fitness by constantly moving are indispensable elements for preventing scoliosis and for the treatment of the November disease to be effective.

Types of Scoliosis

Idiopathic scoliosis

It is the most visible type of scoliosis. It has received this name because it is not clear exactly why it came out, how it was formed. The bending in the spine is in the form of the letter S or in the form of the letter C. Just as there is a tilt to the right and left, the displacement of the vertebrae around themselves also appears in this class. After this rotation in the vertebrae, unsymmetrical protrusions occur in the back and waist.

Neuromuscular scoliosis

The second most visible type of scoliosis is neuromuscular scoliosis. A little more serious, this type is based on November muscular nervous diseases. The source of nervous diseases is based on central places such as the brain and spinal cord. Muscle diseases, on the other hand, appear at a child’s age or in later periods November. In neuromuscular scoliosis, respiratory distress and sensory problems may be encountered. Scoliosis corset is not used in the treatment because there may be reasons such as breathing difficulties, sensory defects and seizures. In this type of scoliosis, normal treatment methods may not be enough and surgical intervention is required, but for this, young age is preferred and fusion therapy is applied.

Congenital scoliosis

It is a type of scoliosis due to spinal defects that occur in the development of a child in the womb. Congenital scoliosis, scoliosis (height) radiography should be taken and intervention should be performed as soon as it appears. Because it shows rapid progress. That is why the treatment of this species, which occurs at an early age, also happens with surgical intervention at a young age.

Scoliosis Treatment

Scoliosis progresses during childhood and adolescence. For all these reasons, there is no single and correct treatment option. The age at which scoliosis is diagnosed, the degree of curvature, scoliosis (height) graph is taken and the data taken from the examinations are examined and applied in a way that varies according to the person.