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Herniography (Hernia) Film

A Herniographic (Hernia);Film can be defined as the extension of any organ or all of it into an unnatural and normally non-open cavity. Hernias can be seen in people and in very different regions. Hernias that are also found in the abdominal wall and groin are usually diagnosed during examinations.

Hernias can differ according to their types. Some of them are very small, but others can also appear temporarily. However, it passes as a result of rest. In such cases, it is also recommended to use advanced examination methods. Some hernias can be confused with groin pains.

Pain around the groin is usually more common in people who are actively involved in sports. In such cases, a herniographic film may also be requested. In order for the film to be taken, the patient must come on an empty stomach. A place close to the patient’s navel is prepared and the drug is given into the mixture.

So it will also be filmed. Movie results are usually concluded on the same day. According to the results obtained, the doctor applies a treatment method. After the applied treatment, the solution to the hernia problem is found.

What is a Hernia?

Hernia is a disease that is also seen by everyone, from newborn babies to elderly people. The places where the hernia is seen are the areas where the abdominal wall is the weakest. The hernia, which starts at first and occurs in situations such as sneezing, coughing and straining, becomes invisible when the person lies down.

However, when left untreated, the swelling increases and spreads to wider places. A hernia is not a disease that passes by itself. Nutrition can disappear over time thanks to diet, sports and medication. For this reason, it is useful for people with hernia to pay attention.

What Are the Symptoms of a Hernia?

Some hernias may occur during routine check-ups. Hernias that occur in the groin can usually occur with swelling and swelling. The person also usually has pain. These swellings, which are soft and can be pressed inward, are visible when pressed into the abdomen and disappear when the person lies down.

It can be uncomfortable when something heavy is lifted, and you may feel much more pain, especially after meals. Men also have a hernia more often than women. Hereditary causes, weak connective tissues, pregnancy, urinary difficulties, weight loss, old age, straining conditions such as hernia also occur. Other factors that cause a hernia,

  • Chronic constipation
  • Prostate disease
  • Doing excessive exercise,
  • Genetic factors

It is one of the other factors that cause hernia.

Hernia Risks

A hernia can progress if the internal organs involved in the formation of hernias sag outward and compress. Such risks usually occur as a result of strangulation of the hernia. Compressed hernias also become tense, dislocating and painful. Trapped organs may reveal more diseases because they do not supply blood.

Hernias usually do not have a medicated treatment. The only treatment method is surgical treatment. The necessary treatment method is decided by taking a herniographic film. In some cases, surgery can also be performed depending on the size of the hernia. Its purpose is to insert the hernia into the abdomen and prevent the formation of a sac.

Hernia Surgery

Instead of shrinking and healing, the tear that forms in the abdominal wall grows larger. Therefore, everyone who has been diagnosed with a hernia needs to undergo the necessary operations that waste time. If the hernia is small, it is usually preferable to perform local anesthesia. However, general anesthesia can also be applied in some cases.

Hernias are divided into open and closed operations. the operation is started by making a 5-6 cm incision. During the surgical intervention, 3 incisions are made. Imaging is performed by inserting the camera inside the incisions. In both types of surgery, the organs found for the herniated region are taken to the inner part of the abdomen and a patch is made.

Thus, the formation of a hernia again is prevented. This procedure is accepted by the body and there are no side effects. Usually doctors prefer to perform closed surgery. It is less comfortable and painful. However, open surgery is preferred because it is performed as a general anesthesia.

After the operation is over, the patient can feed normally and get up and move after 8 hours. After the surgical procedure is performed, the patient should not lift heavy in any way. Also, when heavy lifting is performed, the hernia can reveal itself again.

For this reason, people need to take care of themselves after the operation is performed. They can also act in accordance with these by taking reports from the doctor in cases where it is deemed necessary.

Prices for Herniography Film 2024

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