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Bone Densitometry

Bone Densitometry; The test that measures the mineral density in the bones by scanning the bones and is performed to prevent mineral loss that may occur in the bones is called Bone Densitometry. In other words, it is a measurement system that determines the weakness and fragility risk in the bones.

Bone densitometry is a method used to determine the level of osteoporosis, regardless of the gender of a woman or a man over a certain age. With this test, it can be easily determined how the density and mineral levels in the bones are.

A small amount of radiation is used when performing a bone density scan. This method called bone densitometry is a standard technique used to measure bone density. Bone measurement is performed painlessly and easily with this method.

More bone scans are performed in the lower back area and hip area, where bone density loss is frequently experienced. If deemed necessary, a scan of the forearms and the whole body is performed.

Bone density loss, which is more common in women, especially affects women more after the age of 40. Because during the periods when the menopause period begins to approach, women have a high risk of developing bone resorption disease.

Although the situation is a little different in men, the fragility of bones increases in women after menopause, calcium treatment should be started against any danger of falling.

It is aimed to prevent the loss of minerals in the bones by taking calcium supplements. This method is more often used in the diagnosis of osteoporosis. This condition, which is also seen in men, affects men by 30%.

What are the Usage Areas of Bone Densitometry?

This method is a method that is often used in the diagnosis of osteoporosis. Bone fragility and loss of density, which are observed in more women after menopause, is a condition that can be treated.

After menopause, bone resorption may occur in women as a result of insufficient calcium and minerals in the bones with age. With this method used in the diagnosis of this disease, the density of your bones will be clearly seen. In particular, these examinations are suitable for the following people:

  • Appears over the age of 60
  • If you are smoking
  • If you are drinking alcohol
  • If you have entered menopause
  • If you have a low calcium intake
  • If you have used certain medications that lead to bone loss for a long time
  • If you have a bone fracture
  • If you have a history of chronic disorders (liver, kidney failure, etc.)
  • If you have less body weight than you should
  • If your height seems shorter than it should be
  • If there was a suspicion of osteoporosis in the previously worshiped X-rays
  • If you have chronic diabetes

If you have such complaints, you can definitely contact a doctor and request a bone densitometry test. Bone density scans are also used to start treatment and investigate how the treatment is progressing.

In the event that people suffering from this disease refuse to take certain medications, a significant decrease in bone density occurs, regardless of the sick person. Over time, your bones, which are very thin and sensitive at the time of any fall, may become the size to be broken. Therefore, after the age of 40, you should definitely have your bone structure and bone density scanned.

How is Bone Densitometry Performed?

Bone density scans vary according to the number of areas of the body being examined and according to the equipment used. You will be asked to Decollete and put on an apron while the scans are performed, which usually take between 10 and 20 minutes. Then, lying down on the table where the bone scan will be performed, the device with intense x-rays starts hovering over you and performs your bone scan.

In general, the device scans more and more Decisively between your hip and spine bones. Melting is more common in these areas due to the pain that is often seen in these areas.

The technician who is with you during the examination of your hip facilitates the operation of the device by supporting your foot in such a way that the hip rotates to the inner side. Images can also occur on the opposite monitor by scanning the device over your body.

The method that allows bone density to be measured is quite simple and painless. Just while your bone scan is being performed, you should not move in order to get high-quality clear images while the device is on you.

Who is It Inconvenient to Apply the Bone Densitometry Test to?

it may be inconvenient to perform the bone densitometry test, which should be performed by every person over the age of 40, to the following people:

  • Those who cannot lie still, stationary
  • Pregnant ladies
  • Those who have deformities in the spine
  • People who take drugs with a contrast effect by mouth or vein before the examination

The application of this method in these people may cause problems. Therefore, these tests should be performed in a timely manner before encountering these possible situations.

Bone Densitometry Prices 2024

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