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Liver Ultrasound

What is a Liver Ultrasound?

Liver Ultrasound; The medical name hepatobiliary ultrasound is popularly known as liver ultrasound Dec. In this procedure, many more procedures such as liver, liver pathways, gallbladder evaluations are performed with this imaging method.

With its most general definition, ultrasound is a multi-purpose instrument used to examine diseases and organs that need to be monitored and controlled in the body in detail and diagnose diseases.

During the construction of ultrasound, sound waves with a high frequency are used. Especially soft tissues are visualized by doctors thanks to these sound waves and diagnostics and examinations are performed.

Examinations of the liver and organs located in this region are performed with this imaging method. Patients who will undergo this ultrasound should not have eaten anything for at least 8 hours beforehand.

The liver ultrasound method is not recommended for pregnant women, those with an excessive amount of abdominal acid, people who carry medical devices such as pacemakers in their body.

How is the Liver Ultrasound Performed?

Liver ultrasound, a device that has been further developed and made more useful in recent times, is a harmless and simple procedure. The person who will undergo the ultrasound is asked to lie on his back with his right hand under his head.

Ultrasound gel is applied to the area where the ultrasound will be taken. The imaging process is performed by sliding the scanner tip of the device over the region via the gel.

The liver ultrasound performed for liver imaging is a region suitable for the lower right part of the rib cage. By contacting the skin between the ribs, the imaging process is performed to the liver and its surroundings Dec.

The sound waves sent to the internal organs are unlikely to cause any pain. These sound waves create only a small vibration. Nothing is felt by people except this vibration. The duration of the procedure varies approximately from 5 to 10 minutes Dec.

There is no harm in continuing to use the medications you have taken as a prescription after the liver ultrasound. The height and weight of the patients are measured before the procedure.

It is also extremely important whether there are any diseases in the body. The condition is examined by the examining doctor and recorded by the doctor if there is a disease.

Why Is a Liver Ultrasound Required?

The diagnostic process of liver disorders is extremely important. Process are propagated to a specific process. This process is extremely important for the most accurate treatment procedures. For this reason, the intensity experienced for liver ultrasound in hospitals is quite normal.

This imaging method is requested to diagnose and examine the liver and abnormalities found in this area.

People must first undergo a doctor’s examination to undergo this ultrasound. If the doctor deems the liver ultrasound appropriate, the patient is prepared for ultrasound.

For this, it is recommended not to eat anything for at least 2 hours in advance. The reason for this is to see and analyze the anomalies in the region more clearly, if any.

This imaging method is further developing with the advancement of technology today and contributes to making much more useful analyzes.

Thanks to liver ultrasound, diseases and abnormalities are diagnosed early and many lives are saved thanks to early intervention.  Apart from this, it is possible to count many benefits for this process.

Who is the Liver Ultrasound Applied To?

There are no age restrictions for people who will undergo ultrasound. But if it is necessary to classify the people who will enter, this method is not a very suitable method for pregnant women, those with stomach acid and patients carrying medical devices. For this reason, liver ultrasound is not recommended for people with these conditions. After the people who are outside of this have passed the doctor’s examination, the procedure is started if the doctor deems it appropriate.

Don’t Neglect Your Liver!

Liver ultrasound is used to diagnose disorders such as liver and gallbladder. It is usually requested for the purpose of conducting examinations and controls of people with liver disease. It is a short-lasting procedure.

After the procedure is completed, there is no need to wait for the results to come out. The results can be explained to the patient as soon as the procedure is completed.

It is very important not to eat anything from 2 hours before the procedure in terms of making the liver ultrasound result more visible. However, water can be drunk in very small amounts.

Is It Possible to Drink Water Before Liver Ultrasound?

There is no harm in drinking a small amount of water before the ultrasound. But it is extremely important not to eat anything at least 2 hours before the procedure in terms of the efficiency of the procedure. Apart from these, there is no harm for people who use prescription drugs to continue their drug use. No other conditions are required for liver ultrasound. It is a suitable method for almost everyone.

How Many Days Does the Liver Ultrasound Result Come Out?

During ultrasound shots, the results are reflected directly on the screen. Therefore, after taking an ultrasound of the liver, the results can be transferred by the doctor as soon as the procedure is completed.

Thus, it is not necessary to wait for days for the result. The procedure takes about 5-10 minutes. After a short examination after the procedure, the ultrasound results are announced.

Can Liver Cancer Be Detected on Ultrasound?

An ultrasound of the liver is performed using a highly advanced device. During the procedure, all diseases, including the smallest and largest in the relevant region, can be easily viewed.

Therefore, if there are any cancer cells in the area, this can also be easily diagnosed using the ultrasound method.

Prices for Liver Ultrasound 2024

Liver ultrasound prices 2024 you can have it done in our clinic. This procedure is performed free of charge by public hospitals. However, this free tariff is valid for people who have health insurance.

The same procedure is performed in private hospitals for a certain fee. You can choose a place suitable for your budget for liver ultrasound. You can contact us immediately to get information about liver ultrasound prices 2024.