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Upper Extremity Artery Doppler

Arterial Doppler of the Upper extremities, venous diseases can be visualized with this method. Thus, it is very necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

In this application, sound waves with a high frequency are used. The veins in the leg area are examined by means of limb artery doppler. These procedures are sometimes performed by the doctor himself.

Patients who come to the examination with complaints of leg pain are usually referred to the upper limb doppler procedure. These complaints are usually complaints that occur as a result of vascular occlusion, such as varicose veins.

Patients who need to undergo ultrasound consult a doctor with complaints such as kidney pain. Sometimes there are no complaints, but upper extremity artery doppler may be requested for routine control purposes only.

After the ultrasound procedure is completed, if an abnormality in the kidney is detected, the patient is started on treatment. These treatments are determined according to the patients’ conditions.

What is Upper Extremity Artery Doppler?

The imaging technique used to diagnose and control venous, i.e. venous, disorders is called limb artery doppler. This procedure is an advanced ultrasound method.

In general, patients are referred to this imaging device when they consult a doctor with certain complaints. Venous disorders are usually seen in women. But it is also possible to see the symptoms of this disease in many men.

If we compare it, the incidence rate in women is 75%, while in men it can be seen at a rate of 45%. These disorders are diagnosed with an upper extremity doppler device. This device can be used for the control and examination of diseases that are reflected in the diagnostic procedures.

Ultrasound, which is a method that provides a great deal of convenience to doctors in terms of making a diagnosis, is generally used for vascular imaging.

Most of the time, radiology specialists perform ultrasound imaging. It is quite normal for one of every two people who are competent to do their job to do it. As a process, it is quite simple. The upper extremity doppler procedure is performed approximately in a period of 5 to 10 minutes. Dec.

How is Limb Artery Doppler Performed?

Ultrasound, which is a fairly simple and painless method as a procedure, does not pose any harm to patients. On the contrary, it is possible to say that it is useful because it provides early diagnosis.

The construction stage is also quite simple from the point of view of both the doctor and the patient. The patient who will undergo ultrasound must first have undergone a doctor’s examination. Because this procedure is performed not depending on the requests of people, but on the direction of the doctor.

After the examination and receiving the doctor’s approval, the patient is taken to the room where the procedure will be performed. After being placed on the examination table, the area where the upper limb doppler will be taken is opened and ultrasound gel is applied to the area. This gel is applied so that the head of the device can slide easily in the area.

Then the probe is moved around the region with heavy movements. The ultrasound device sends sound frequencies to the blood vessels and reflects the blood flow and direction on the screen through red and blue colors. In this way, the diagnosis of the disease can be easily made by the specialist.

Why is Limb Artery Doppler Required?

This imaging method is an advanced method that is often used today. This ultrasound is not desired by people. It is usually a procedure performed by a doctor’s instructions. There can be many reasons for its desirability.

Usually, upper limb doppler is performed for leg pains and ailments. This procedure is usually performed for people who occur with blockage of the vascular pathways, such as varicose veins.

Simple methods such as medication or rest can be applied for some patients. But for patients with a more severe condition, different treatment methods can be used. Upper artery doppler is a very important imaging method in terms of early diagnosis of diseases.

Over time, it has been further developed and has become an advanced imaging device. This method is used in almost every hospital and clinics. It is extremely reliable because it does not contain radiation.

Who is Limb Artery Doppler Applied To?

Limb artery doppler, a procedure whose field of application is quite wide, is currently used in the diagnosis and examination of many diseases. There are no age restrictions for this imaging method. Adults and children of all ages can undergo this procedure.

Due to the fact that it does not contain radiation, it does not pose a danger to anyone. When upper extremity doppler is looked at in general, it is seen that it is applied for patients with complaints about leg and joint pain.

People who consult a doctor with complaints such as contraction and severe pain in the leg are checked with this imaging method and it is determined whether there is an abnormality in the leg veins. After the detection, if necessary, treatment procedures are started immediately.

Treatment procedures are determined according to the conditions of the people. People with severe condition undergo a serious treatment process. There is no harm in applying upper limb doppler for children and infants. Whether there is a blockage in the vascular pathways is easily detected thanks to this ultrasound method.

Upper Extremity Artery Doppler Prices 2024

Ultrasound methods are of great importance in medicine in terms of diagnosing diseases. For this reason, it is widely used. Many people’s lives have been saved by making early diagnosis through these devices.

When people are admitted to the hospital with complaints such as leg pain, limb artery doppler is performed in order to make a clear diagnosis. This process is both a reliable and easy process. The process, which takes quite a short time, does not exceed the duration of 5 to 10 minutes.

The prices of this imaging method may vary from hospital to hospital. While public hospitals perform this procedure free of charge, it is possible to encounter different price lists in private hospitals. Limb artery doppler procedures are valid for people with health insurance. You can contact us immediately to get information about upper extremity artery doppler prices 2024.