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Check Up

What is check-up? What Does a Check Up Mean?

A Check Up is a general health screening. This method has been applied globally from the past to the present. For this reason, it is also followed and recommended by many international health units, especially the WHO, today. The diagnosis of many diseases through this application is made directly through a special medical environment.

It is applied in the diagnosis and follow-up of heart and vascular diseases, digestive and respiratory diseases, infectious diseases and many other types of diseases. Among the biggest advantages of this particular application, the plus is that there are quite a lot of Dec. For this reason, it is of vital value for the purpose of comprehensively insuring the general health of men and women.

The check up, which is made from a quality doctor clinic center, offers you many advantages. As with all medical procedures, it is extremely important to have them performed in the best clinics in terms of patient satisfaction.

In this context, you can order it from a professional doctor’s clinic both with a guarantee and at a lower price. They are health screenings applied from the past to the present. Because it has rich contents, it meets your expectations perfectly.

For this reason, it is among the best health services. Dec. These applications appeal to men and women of all ages. But men and women are different from each other in terms of content. For this reason, the gender and age factor check up is very important.

What Does the Check Up Cover?

Since this method has a wide content, it eliminates you from worrying about your overall health. Because there are different tests and examinations in its content. There are many test applications such as lung film, BUN, ECG, complete blood count, urinalysis, kidney film in common with male and female content.

Therefore, it is confidently recommended by specialists. The biggest plus of this application is that it is also done annually. In other words, you can also have it done regularly directly at least 1 time every year.

How Is the Check Up Performed?

There are details to be considered in its implementation. First of all, the best doctor clinic center should be preferred in this application. It is out of the question that you can get it guaranteed from a poor-quality or unreliable private doctor clinic center.

Examinations of men and women are performed first by a qualified gynecology specialist. After this step, the necessary interviews are provided through cardiology, neurology and many other branches. Thus, it is applied by the doctor as the last step in terms of finding out whether there are diseases.

How Long Does the Check Up Take?

This detail is intensely wondered by men and women who want to get it from a gynecology specialist. First of all, its duration differs according to the quality of clinical centers. It is usually applied in a gradual manner. In other words, the necessary examinations are carried out first.

Immediately afterwards, interviews are provided for the patient through the branches. All these stages are expected to be completed within the day. In summary, its duration Decays on average between 12 hours and 24 hours. This process can even take a maximum of 1 day. It is important that the process is short in order for patients not to experience a loss of time.

Why Should You Have a Check Up?

You should get the application from your gynecology doctor for many reasons. Even if you are healthy, your health may deteriorate for various reasons after a while. In this case, it is important to get it done early. This application is even more affordable today. Therefore, it is out of the question that you pay the high payments you have paid in the past years today.

Taking advantage of check ups means making sure that you are healthy. Thus, you can continue both your work and social life in a more regular way through a high self-confidence. Therefore, it means that your life flows from A to Z in a healthy way.

What Needs to Be Done Before the Check Up

There is no need to thoroughly prepare first. It is enough to get quality sleep only before, to inform the doctor who conducts the check-ups about the medications used. It is important for high blood pressure and diabetes patients to inform the doctor about their diseases first.

Mammography Breast Ultrasonography

It is a breast X-ray film performed specifically for problems that cannot be detected manually. It is also performed for breast cancer research.


It is performed in order to ensure thyroid gland control.

Thyroid USD

It is known as Color Doppler Ultrasound. Thanks to this test, it makes a diagnosis specifically of thyroid nodules.


It is more of a preoperative test. It is used for the detection of hematological diseases, acute and chronic infections.


This test gives information about kidney function.


With this test, data on endocrine and metabolic disorders are obtained.


This test is performed especially for the follow-up of ovarian malignancies.


It is carried out for the purpose of treatment and follow-up of patients suffering from breast cancer.

EGK Test

This type of test is a medical test and only covers the graphical examination of the electrical activities of the heart. This application is applied to monitor the electrical currents of the heart to see if there is any risk of heart palpitations, heart attacks in patients.

Chest X-Ray

On the other hand, chest X-ray, as the name suggests, is performed directly to determine whether there is any disease in the lung.

BUN Test

It is one of the direct kidney function tests. Through this test, it is also checked whether there are any diseases in the kidneys. Most importantly, it gives information to your doctor about protein metabolism.

Total Cholesterol Test

A total cholesterol test is used only to measure cholesterol levels. In addition to diagnosing hypolipidemia and hyperlipidemia, it is checked whether there is an atherosclerotic risk.

LDL Testing

This type of test, on the other hand, looks specifically at whether there is a risk of coronary heart disease. In addition, it is applied for the purpose of following the disease in question.

HDL Testing

Just like the LSD test, the risk of coronary heart disease is checked. Patients who have previously been exposed to this disease are followed up.

Triglyceride Test

This test model is applied in the evaluation of hyperlysedimia.

AST Test

It is a liver-focused test. It is included among the liver function tests. Dec. Liver function is checked through this test.


Likewise, it is one of the tests that measure liver function.

Creatinine Test

It is applied directly in the measurement of kidney function.

Blood Count(18 Parameters)

This type of test is applied directly in measuring the blood count. It is applied before surgery with hematolic health problems, acute and chronic diseases.

Glucose (Fasting Blood Sugar)

This test model is applied directly to the measurement of blood sugar levels. In addition, your doctor will have information about carbohydrate metabolism.

Full Urine

It is applied in the diagnosis and detection of the factors that cause pathological findings in the urine.


It is mainly applied in the detection and follow-up of inflammatory diseases, acute and chronic diseases, rheumatoid diseases, tissue damage.

Urite Acid Test

The urite acid test is a test performed for gout and other purine disorders. This is done for the diagnosis of metabolic disorders and for follow-up purposes after that.

HbA1c Test

It is a test performed for long-term follow-up of diabetes mellitus. It gives information about the blood glucose concentration in the last 6-8 weeks.

Hs-CRP Testing

It is one of the essential tests for early diagnosis of the risk of coronary heart disease. It is performed for coronary heart disease risk research.

Coronary CT Angiography Test

With computed tomography, the heart vessels are displayed in a very short time. A drug called a contrast agent is given through the arm vein. While the inguinal artery is used in classical angiography, the arm vein is used in CT angiography.

Checkup Preparation

It is advisable to prepare first. Information will also be given to you by your doctor in this direction. The point to be considered is to inform the doctor about the medical drugs used. Thus, the application is carried out more successfully.

You should act in accordance with the recommendations of your doctor. Examinations are carried out first. Immediately afterwards, an interview is provided through the relevant branches. Sessions are started as the final stage. All these stages are completed successfully within 12 hours.

When Should You Make a Checkup?

If you see any signs of illness, you should have it done immediately. In this context, life provides an advantage in terms of having joy. It is applied only from the doctor’s clinical center for 5 days on weekdays.

Therefore, you can have it done within 5 days on weekdays. Symptoms of diseases can be observed at various times. In such cases, it is important to have it done early in order not to be completely exposed to the disease.

How Does the Cheque Process Work?

The process works in accordance with your expectations. In this application, the patient examination is performed first. Immediately afterwards, interviews are made about the patient between the doctors of all the medical branches in question. Dec.

Then, the high-tech machine is prepared and started to be applied immediately. It is extremely important for patients to act patiently during all these processes.

What Does the Full Comprehensive Check Up Cover?

As the name implies, it covers broader health screenings. In terms of content, it perfectly fulfills the expectations of both women and men.

These types of check-ups include many types of tests and tests such as complete blood count, lung and kidney films, jaundice, thyroid and cholesterol tests, urine test, heart tests, lung film. Thus, many types of diseases can be detected directly through these check-ups.

What Are the Procedures to Be Performed During the Chekap Service?

The procedures to be performed during the shooting can be listed respectively as patient examination, general evaluations about the patient through the branches and check up shots as the final stage.

It is important that these stages are performed respectively in order to achieve high success from check ups. Therefore, from the clinical center of the professional doctor, these stages are performed respectively.

What to Look For at the Check Up?

As we have emphasized, many diseases are looked at in physical aspects, except for spiritual and mental ones, during check-ups. Diseases of many different types, from internal diseases to blood and urine diseases, are observed directly through check-ups.

What Do Chekap Packages Cover?

The packages are different between men and women. Dec. For this reason, female check-ups are offered for female patients and male check-ups are offered for male patients. In all packages, the above health conditions are taken into account. Whether there are any internal diseases in individuals is determined through these methods.

What are Chekap Campaigns?

Many campaigns are also involved. You can follow these campaigns especially in high-quality private doctor clinic centers. There are many useful campaigns such as discounted price campaigns, discounted prices in the highest quality current packages. You can follow the current campaigns in the comfort of your home.

What to Look For at the Check Up?

During the check-ups, it is only checked whether the diseases in question are present. In this method, mental and mental illnesses are not taken into account. In such diseases, different diagnostic methods are applied. Check ups have been developed mainly for physical and internal diseases. For this reason, these applications are recommended even in modern countries.

There are many factors that distinguish check ups from other diagnostic applications. Among them, the check up is at the forefront of giving results faster. Dec. In other diagnoses, the waiting time is longer. But at check-ups, this process is reduced to 12 hours. Thus, it is out of the question for individuals to experience a waste of time.

Does Everything Come Out at the Check Up?

No, everything, that is, not all health problems arise. Because, as we mentioned, check ups are methods that are applied at a limited level. Therefore, it can only be applied in the detection of internal diseases. Its application in the detection of brain diseases is out of the question.

What Diseases Does the Check Up Reveal?

Mostly cardiology, that is, cardiovascular diseases, various internal diseases such as lung, liver, kidney, diseases that occur through blood and urine, as well as sexually transmitted diseases occur.

For this reason, check up offers a truly wide catalog of diseases. Through this method, internal diseases that are difficult to detect are also easily detected. Thus, it is not necessary to resort to a second diagnostic application.

Does the Check-Up End in 1 Day?

Yes, it can also be over in 24 hours. This process is completely according to the quality of the clinics where the check up is performed. It is completed in just half a day in a quality clinic center.

How Often Should the Check-Up Be Done?

It should be done regularly. For this reason, it is recommended that male and female check ups be performed regularly at least every 6 months. Normally, it is done regularly at least 1 time in 1 year.

But apart from this process, it makes sense to apply the method every 180 days if there is a concern about the disease. The duration of the check-ups also depends on the age December of the individuals. it is recommended that individuals aged 50 and over should have it done every 6 months if possible.

Does It Make Sense to Have a Check Up?

Of course, it is extremely reasonable to have check-ups. Through this application, the worry of illness is permanently eliminated. Because a check-up means preventing diseases. Check ups are not a special diagnostic application for today.

This practice has a deep-rooted history in our country as well. There are many reasons why professional doctor clinical centers recommend check-ups today. Among these reasons, the application is the most guaranteed diagnostic method and it takes the first place. Dec.

The most important advantage is that there are no side effects during check-ups. There may be side effects in many diagnostic applications. This situation causes patients to stay away from diagnostic applications.

But check-ups are completely natural methods. The content of these applications does not contain any harmful devices or radio frequency signals. You can have quick check-ups 24/7 in the comfort of your home. Apart from that, you can also learn everything you are curious about about check-ups from your doctor.

The quality doctor clinic website also offers support services in this direction. You don’t have to be sick to have check-ups. Even if you do not have any disease, you should also have a check-up in order not to have a risk of disease in the future.

Check Up Prices 2024

It is advisable to look at the current prices. Because the prices of these methods differ between clinics Dec. Prices are higher over a poor-quality clinic. In this case, there is a loss in terms of cost. In quality clinics, on the other hand, the prices of these methods are lower.

Because professional clinics always offer health screening services in line with patient satisfaction. As with other health services, check up prices are also lower today. For this reason, it is regularly commissioned every year through 81 of our provinces. Thus, the individual’s health is routinely monitored. You can contact us to get information about Check Up Prices 2024.