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Hepatitis B

What is Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B, a virus known as inflammation of the liver, settles in the liver cells, causing the destruction of this region. The causative agent of the disease is the hepatitis B virus called HBV, and since it has an infectious effect, much attention should be paid during the treatment process.

The hepatitis B virus places the proteins contained in it inside healthy cells in the liver, causing the body’s immune system to attack these cells.

As a result of the resistance and attack of the immune system against protein molecules, liver cells are damaged and pain begins to occur.

Hepatitis b virus causes an increase in liver enzymes by being transmitted through body fluids, mucous membrane contact and blood. In order to eliminate the discomfort caused by the virus and speed up the healing process, a vaccine is given and antibodies are given to the patient.

What Is the Probability of Acute Hepatitis B Infection Becoming Chronic?

The rate of chronization of acute hepatitis B infection is directly related to the age of the person whose infection occurred. As the age increases, the rate of chronization decreases markedly.

For this reason, at the level of chronization of the disease, the age level of the person who has the disease is decisive.Especially if acute hepatitis B occurs in children, the chronization rate is at the level of 85-90%.

Depending on the time, this rate begins to decrease as the child grows older. The chronic rate of the disease in infants and children in the 1-5 age group infected with acute hepatitis B(HBV) is at the level of 25% to 50%. after the age of 5, the risk of becoming chronic decreases to a level of 6% to 10%, and in adults, this rate is about 5%.

How is Acute Hepatitis B Virus Transmitted?

Ways of transmission of the hepatitis virus are usually transmitted by the body fluids of an infected person, vaginal fluid and blood.For this reason, contact with people infected with the hepatitis B virus should be avoided as much as possible.

The hepatitis virus, which causes a serious liver condition, reaches serious levels by progressing over time if not treated early and increases the risk of developing into diseases such as liver cancer, cirrhosis, weakening of a person’s liver function. The hepatitis B virus is transmitted by the following routes.

  • It is transmitted through injectors or cutting tool injuries.
  • Through infected blood,
  • It can be transmitted as a result of the joint use of materials such as toothbrushes, razors, nail scissors.
  • Injector for drug injection used by people with substance addiction, etc. through the joint use of materials,
  • Transmission of the infected virus in the mother’s body during childbirth to the baby through childbirth,
  • Transmission through vaginal fluid or semen after unsafe sexual intercourse,
  • Transmission of a person after having sexual intercourse with an infected partner,

By What Means Is the Hepatitis B Virus Not Transmitted?

Nowadays, people get sick due to different reasons and look for ways to get rid of the disease with various treatment methods depending on the type and extent of the ailment.

In particular, it is worth paying attention to some issues in order to get rid of the risks posed by the hepatitis B virus, which causes liver inflammation, and not to get sick.

It should be avoided from the elements that cause the transmission of the hepatitis B virus. Hepatitis B virus is not transmitted by means such as traveling in the same vehicle, playing with toys, using the pool that everyone enters, using the same toilet, shaking hands, coughing, breastfeeding, kissing, hugging, joint consumption of water, joint consumption of food, eating from the same container.

What Are the Symptoms of Acute Hepatitis B?

In acute hepatitis B disease that causes liver damage, in some cases there may not be pronounced symptoms. However, depending on the progression of the disease, it manifests itself with the following symptoms.

  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • The ongoing state of constant malaise
  • Fire
  • Appetite
  • Pronounced yellowing of the eyes and skin
  • Joint pains

The hepatitis B virus, which is present in the liver and blood, has a long incubation period until the symptoms of the disease are noticeably visible.

Since the incubation period varies between 6 weeks and 6 months, people who do not know that they have contracted the disease also unwittingly transmit the disease to others during this process Dec. For this reason, precautions should be taken for early treatment against all kinds of diseases by conducting periodic controls.

How Long After the Hepatitis Virus Is Transmitted, Do Its Symptoms Begin?

In people infected with the hepatitis virus, the symptoms vary from person to person. Symptoms such as yellowing of the skin and eyes, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, fever, weakness and fatigue, joint pain, nausea and vomiting, bloody vomiting, which are symptoms of the disease, can occur mildly or severely at different times.

After a person is infected, the symptoms usually appear noticeably within 1 month to 4 months. In some cases, although rarely, symptoms may appear within 2 weeks after infection with the virus.

It is known that if children are infected with the hepatitis B virus, there are often situations in which symptoms do not appear. In patients infected with the virus, there are no problems if the immune system shows strong resistance.

However, if there are no symptoms and the body does not produce antibodies, the disease can progress and reach serious dimensions.

What Should Be Done If It is Suspected that the Hepatitis Virus Is Transmitted?

Those who suspect hepati B disease, which causes liver destruction, causes cirrhosis and liver cancer, and even results in the death of some patients, should contact a specialist in their field without wasting time and undergo the necessary examinations and tests.

However, as a result of the tests and analyzes performed, the hepatitis B vaccine is given and an antibody called hepatitis immunoglobulin(HBIG)is given.Early diagnosis and early treatment are decisive for the treatment to be effective.

How Long Do the Symptoms Last in Acute Hepatitis B?

The disease caused by the hepatitis B virus is divided into acute and chronic. Acute hepatitis B virus infection is a short-term period of illness that covers the first 6 months of a person’s life after exposure to the virus. Symptoms are mild in people infected with the virus.

If treatment is started early, a significant advantage can be obtained in recovery. In cases of chronic hepatitis B infection, most patients undergo a course of recovery.

But in 0.1% of them, a picture of liver failure may occur, which begins suddenly and progresses rapidly. Symptoms in the period before the disease becomes chronic, may persist for the first 6 months.

What Are the Symptoms of Chronic Hepatitis Virus?

Hepatitis, which can result in liver cancer, liver failure, liver disease and death of a person in the long term, the course of the disease changes in two ways, chronic and acute.

In a person infected with the hepatitis B virus, a chronic hepatitis B condition occurs if the patient’s immune system does not produce antibodies to this virus if the infection lasts longer than 6 months.

The symptoms of the disease may cover long periods of time, such as 20 years-30 years, and the symptoms may not be noticeable during this period. However, due to the progression of the disease, liver functions are negatively affected over time.

Schedules B patients, the disease becomes chronic, disease, 15% of people with 25% may develop serious liver disease, including cirrhosis or liver cancer.

Schedules B symptoms; easy bruising or bleeding, dark urine, light colored stools, a state of constant fatigue, diarrhea, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, yellowing eye beneath, bloody vomiting, weight loss, abdominal bloating, headache, and body aches in the legs, edema manifests itself with symptoms such as bleeding difficult to stop.

Hepatitis B Vaccine Prices 2024

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