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Hepatitis C

What is Hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C is a liver disease that occurs as a result of an infection caused by a virus. Although the course of the disease changes over time, this disease, which begins mildly, reaches a serious level if left untreated, reaching a level that will disrupt human health. Generally, the blood-borne virus (HCV)can be acute or chronic.

Hepatitis c, which is observed in about 70 million people around the world, is a serious disease. Many people are looking for ways to recover with various medications and treatments to get rid of hepatitis c disease.

As with all diseases, performing treatment procedures under the control of a doctor specialized in his field accelerates the healing process Since hepatitis c disease can be chronic or acute, different treatment methods are applied depending on the type of disease.

How Does Hepatitis C Disease Progress?

Hepati C disease causes liver failure due to the fact that it is a disease that affects the liver. In this respect, the medications recommended by the physician should be used to eliminate the risks and accelerate the healing process, and the treatment method should be followed to the letter.

Hepatitis C generally occurs with symptoms such as a constant feeling of fatigue, fever, nausea, abdominal pain. Then the virus that causes the disease progresses in a way that leads to the formation of a cirrhosis condition in a person and, subsequently, liver failure.

In general, acute hepatitis C infection can turn into chronic hepatitis C infection if not treated on time, and chronic hepatitis can persist for a lifetime.

In later cases of the disease, cirrhosis can cause serious health problems such as liver cancer, but it can cause the death of some patients.

What Are the Symptoms of Hepatitis C?

The symptoms of hepatitis C infection, which is a liver disease, vary depending on whether this condition is chronic or acute.

Symptoms in general in acute hepati C disorder; It manifests itself with symptoms such as nausea, dark urine color, abdominal pain, November jaundice, persistent feeling of fatigue, loss of appetite, high fever, muscle pain.

It is known that acute illness, in general, lasts no more than 6 months. The viruses that cause the disease are eliminated from the body by treatment methods. But if timely intervention is not carried out, a condition of liver failure may occur.

Acute Hepatitis C

This disease, which is a serious ailment caused by the hepatitis C virus called HCV, causes destruction and damage to the liver. during the incubation period, which ranges from 2 weeks to 26 weeks, the liver gradually Decays.

The duration of the serocone version after contact with the virus is about 9 weeks, but this period can also cover a period of 6 months. Depending on the changes that develop, Hepatitis C turns into acute or chronic. In general, acute hepatitis C progresses and becomes chronic if treatment is not intervened in a timely manner.

Chronic Hepatitis C

The disease caused by the hepatitis virus is highly likely to reach serious proportions and become chronic. Chronic hepatitis C is a condition of inflammation of the liver that lasts for more than 6 months.

In general, chronic hepatitis C is less common compared to acute hepatitis C, but it covers a longer disease process. Chronic hepatitis C, a disease that lasts for years, sometimes does not have symptoms and may not lead to severe liver damage.

According to the degree of inflammation that occurs, there is a possibility of damage to the liver, cirrhosis and liver failure may occur by progressing over time. In people with hepatitis, the disease becomes chronic at a rate of 75 out of 100 during the course of this disease.

How Is the Hepatitis Virus Transmitted?

Hepatitis disease, which occurs in 1 out of every 100 people today, is a blood-borne disease, especially since it is a disease that is transmitted through the blood, it is necessary to be careful not to contract this disease. The reasons for the transmission of the disease are as follows:

  • There are cases when there is an infection in the blood during the transportation of blood or blood products,
  • Through personal hygiene products such as razors, nail clippers, toothbrushes used by people suffering from Hepati C disease,
  • Through all types of dental treatment performed with unsterilized instruments,
  • Transmission of the hemodialysis machine used in dialysis patients due to the use of the device due to the lack of taking the necessary precautions in terms of infection risks,
  • Tattooing by means such as the use of piercings,
  • Transplantation of organs with hepatitis C virus,
  • It is transmitted by such means that the injection needle used in intravenous applications is processed with the same needle after being used on different people.

Does Hepatitis C Kill?

The hepatitis virus is known as a serious ailment because it causes inflammation of the liver. In 75 to 85 out of every 100 people infected with HCV, the disease can become chronic, and in 60 to 70 of these patients, chronic liver disease occurs.

Depending on the progression of the disease, between 5 and 20 out of 100 people develop cirrhosis, and some patients may lose their lives due to cirrhosis or liver cancer that occurs.

Since the disease, which can result in liver failure, cirrhosis, liver cancer, leads to death, treatment should be started without wasting time to reduce the risks. By treating hepatitis C with modern medical treatment methods, the patient is cured.

What is a Hepatitis C Carrier?

Patients who have the HCV virus in their blood should pay maximum attention so that the disease is not transmitted to other people. Patients who are carriers of the Hepati C virus should behave without forgetting that there is a risk of transmitting the virus they are carriers of to others.

They should not contact other people, they should have regular doctor follow-up and liver function tests should be performed at least 2 times a year.

In addition to these, when they want to take medication for another ailment, it is recommended that they contact their own doctor to get information and act in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. All kinds of harmful drinks should be avoided, such as smoking and alcohol consumption, which are harmful habits.

HCV RNA PCR Hepatitis C Test

An HCV RNA PCR test is performed to determine whether the HCV virus that causes inflammation in the liver is present in a person’s blood. If HCV RNA is detected in a person during the test, detailed information about how many copies of HCV there are in the milligram measure in the blood and other numerical information is provided in the form of a report.

For hepati C disease, which can manifest itself with symptoms, conducting the necessary tests in the laboratory in terms of the treatment of the disease and the method to be followed will speed up the treatment process.

HCV virus is detected by studying with PCR technique. With this test, asymptomatic carriers, patients without immunological reactions, cases in which the antibody has not yet been formed, babies born to a seropositive mother, and patients in whom the virus has been positively determined as a result of serological tests, help to make the treatment process effective by ensuring the confirmation of the diagnosis.

Hepatitis C Vaccine Prices 2024

The hepatitis virus, which causes cirrhosis and liver cancer, is treated by intervening with modern medical methods. Especially unsafe sexual relations should be avoided, pedicure, manicure, tattoo, piercing applications such as sterile instruments used in applications are the most important issues to pay attention to.

In the case of early intervention with the hepatitis C vaccine, it is possible for the patient to recover. The important thing here is that the treatment is carried out under the control of a specialist physician in the field without wasting time, without the disease progressing. Hepati C vaccine prices vary. Prices are determined depending on many factors.

Scientists are trying to develop vaccines for the treatment of hepatitis disease by various methods. Currently, there is no Hepatitis C vaccine approved by world health organizations against the HCV virus.

However, with the studies carried out, it is tried to get results with some vaccines used in treatment. Contact us immediately to get information about hepatitis c vaccine prices 2024.