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Aids Test

What is the Aids Test?

Aids Test; Aids disease caused by the HIV virus causes the immune system to deteriorate and it is absolutely necessary for the individual to have it done in order to be diagnosed. The AIDS test, which is reliable and very practical, should be performed by a team of experts in a laboratory environment.

The Aids test has an important place in terms of transmission from a person to other people and to prevent the occurrence of different diseases as a result of a weakening of the immune system. It is important to definitely take an AIDS test during the specified periods after unprotected and suspicious relationships.

The Aids test is of great importance for early diagnosis and treatment in terms of diseases. Since the risk of transmission to others is also high, it will be beneficial for a person to take an AIDS test at a reliable center by caring. Knowing the problems caused by the HIV virus, the aids test, which provides very practical and fast results with the developing technology, should definitely be done for health.

How Is the Aids Test Performed?

A blood sample is definitely taken from the person for the Aid test. It is important to detect aids antibodies in the blood of a person infected with the HIV virus. Since these antibodies will vary between 4 and 8 weeks, blood tests performed immediately will not give accurate results. Dec

In order for the test to give accurate results, it is necessary that the window period between 4-8 weeks has passed, and this period is generally generalized as 3 months by Decisionists. The elisa test, known as a blood test, is another name for the aids test.

While the Elisa test helps diagnose aids, there are also higher-cost tests, but elisa is both more practical and economically more affordable for people.

Where Is the Aids Test Performed?

Aids tests are very important tests in terms of health in people. For this reason, it is important to get support from a specialist who will definitely give the correct results and apply to a medical institution. A limited number of laboratories in Turkey perform these special tests.

If the AIDS tests that need to be performed in the laboratory are positive, treatment can be started without the need for verification tests by informing the specialist physician, and in some cases, it should be ensured by requesting a verification test. It is very important that the team working in laboratories has experts in their work.

Is It Possible to Do an Aids Test at Home?

Aids testing is in the class of tests that are made very difficult and the results should be precise. Aids testing is performed in a laboratory environment under the supervision of a specialist physician.  As it is possible to do at home in today’s technology, it is not recommended by doctors. In this regard, it is extremely important to conduct AIDS tests in outpatient clinics and hospitals.

How Many Days Does the Aids Test Give Results?

Aids tests generally give results after 1 week. Although the time is shortened in today’s technology and the results come out on the same day or the next day, clear results are reached after 1 week with the evaluation of the specialist physician. It is absolutely important to have a verification test in cases where the results are suspected in terms of reliability.

Is It Mandatory to Take the Aids Test Before Marriage?

Aids tests are performed to detect whether a person has a sexually transmitted HIV virus. Some tests are requested from people before getting married, and these tests are sometimes mandatory and sometimes completely dependent on the wishes of the people.

Nowadays, due to the occurrence of some events, it has become the case that AIDS testing is mandatory.  In general, aids testing is among the tests that provide benefits, but are not required by the state Dec.

Is the Aids test 3 months enough?

Aids does not cause symptoms in people as it is transmitted, and often continues to transmit without symptoms. Therefore, it is important that a certain time elapse after sexual intercourse. It is absolutely important to wait 3 months for aids tests.

Aids antibodies begin to manifest themselves in the blood 3 months after infection, and positive or negative results occur after 3 months. In general, 3 months is a sufficient period of time, but if there are suspicious situations, a verification test should definitely be performed.

When should the Aids test be done?

As the HIV virus progresses insidiously in the blood, it will also increase the risk of transmission. For this reason, the test should be performed 12 days after a suspected sexual intercourse and repeated after 1 month if there is a negative case.

If a positive result is not encountered, a verification test should definitely be performed again after 3 months. While the general period progresses in this way, the period during which aids antibodies clearly manifest themselves in the blood is 90 days later. When there is a suspicion of transmission, the aids test will give clear results after 90 days, if there is a different situation, the verification test can also be done after 1 week.

Prices for Aids Testing 2024

Aids tests are tests that are performed in a laboratory environment today and are required to be performed by specialized people. Although Aids test prices vary according to the center, it is carried out for a fee of about 700 TL.

The AIDS test, which is very important to do and has an important place for early diagnosis, is one of the tests that every person should definitely have and will benefit Decently when it is done. It should be well researched whether the prices are appropriate and whether the tests performed at different centers are reliable.

For this reason, aids tests should be performed in reliable and high-quality centers and there should be no doubt about the results. You can contact us immediately to get information about Aids test prices 2024.