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Fetal MR

What is fetal MRI?

Fetal MRI is generally a preferred imaging method in problematic pregnancies in case the desired image cannot be taken with ultrasound.  In fetal MRI, anomalies that are not visible on ultrasound are displayed in detail. Fetal emar is another name for obstetric MRI.  In fetal MRI, many detailed images are obtained, such as the condition of the placenta, the baby’s posture, the position of the placenta.

How is Fetal MRI Performed?

Fetal MRI is an imaging technique that is recommended to be taken after the first 3 months of pregnancy.  radiological examinations, including ultrasound, are usually not performed in the first 3 months.  Radiological examinations such as MRI are generally not preferred during all periods of pregnancy unless they are very mandatory.

However, if there is a concern that there may be any anomaly that makes the physician suspicious, and it is absolutely necessary to view it on MRI, the physician asks the pregnant woman to have an MRI.  It works with radio waves there is a magnetic field inside the machine.  Therefore, there is no radiation in all other MRI devices, including fetal mri.

Therefore, the most harmless among radiological examinations is the MRI method. Dec.  There is no need for special preparation to have a fetal MRI.  It is prepared as in other MRI scans.  The patient lies on his back, but he should not move until the shooting is over, and it is completed in about 15-20 minutes.

Why is Fetal MRI performed?

Fetal MRI is an imaging examination performed to make a complete diagnosis when both the mother’s problem and the baby’s problems are not confirmed by ultrasound during pregnancy.

Fetal suction is requested to investigate the background of these problems, appendicitis, kidney stones, ovarian cysts that may develop during pregnancy from the mother’s point of view, hemorrhages that develop in unexpected situations.

Apart from that, in case any possible problem related to the baby is considered, for example, diagnosis of diseases related to the nervous system of the fetus, Fetal suction is requested when it is considered that there may be a problem related to the brain and spinal cord in the ultrasound images of the baby.

In fetal MRI, there is an opportunity to see the anatomical structure of the brain in detail.  The brain folds and layers can be visualized in great detail.  In addition, fetal suction is requested in case of diagnosis of hereditary brain diseases, concern that there may be pathologies such as any tumor or mass.

What Is The Duration?

Fetal suction is no different from other MRI scans.  However, Fetal emar is attracted to pregnant women.  The patient lies on his back and the desired image is taken in approximately 15-20 minutes.  It can be repeated if the patient moves or the image cannot be taken completely.

There is no need for the patient to make special preparation before fetal emar extraction, and no contrast agent is given before the extraction.  Therefore, the shot takes place before the vascular path is opened.  In addition, even if the patient is a nursing mother, no harm has been found to mothers who breastfeed fetal breastfeeding, even if the baby is a nursing mother.

After fetal suction, the patient is not asked to do anything special again.  It does not cause any harm to either the mother or the baby.  The mother can continue her daily life after fetal suckling. Breastfeeding mothers can continue to breastfeed.

Do I Need Preparation Before the Examination?

Emar Fetal period, followed by the mother after the first 3 months of pregnancy, the physician need that concerns itself in the ultrasound images of the baby and the mother, suggesting that a full diagnosis of anomalies in matters might be preferred imaging technique.

Fetal MRI does not harm the midwife and mother under any circumstances.  in addition, the patient is not given a contrast agent during MRI.  The IV will not open.  The MRI scan is completed in approximately 15-20 minutes.

The patient can resume his normal daily life after the shooting.  From the point of view of mothers, the concern that MRI may cause harm to the baby is a completely unwarranted concern.  It does not harm the baby and mother in any way.

During What Period of Pregnancy Can It Be Applied?

Fetal MRI makes fetal suction mandatory in case of any suspected anomalies from the ultrasound images of the physician following the mother. Fetal suction is requested if the physician observes any pathological conditions related to the baby’s central nervous system and spinal cord during the 12-week period of the fetus.

Fetal MRI is a concrete data that answers all doubts. It is considered appropriate to do it after 3 months of pregnancy.  It can also be done before in very emergency situations.  But this is decided by the doctor.  The reason it is not done in the first 3 months is because it is considered as the process when the baby is just starting to form.

Usually, radiological examinations are not preferred as much as possible in the first 3 months.  Ultrasound is usually preferred during pregnancy.  However, Fetal MRI is one of the easily requested examinations both in terms of providing a more detailed image for making a diagnosis and in terms of knowing that there is no harm to the baby and the mother.

The fact that the patient is pregnant does not cause any harm to the baby and the mother.  However, Fetal MRI is not necessary for every pregnant woman.  However, if necessary as a result of the physician’s evaluations, fetal em Fetal MRI is requested.

Which Organs And Systems Are Displayed With Fetal Emari?

In the fetal MRI imaging method, whether the brain has a congenital anomaly, whether this transition is reflected to the baby in case of genetic diseases of the family, whether there are any undesirable conditions in the vessels, fetal MRI is also displayed.

In addition, it is used to diagnose pathologies such as goiter, cleft palate in the spine and spinal cord, face and neck area.

In addition, Fetal MRI is performed for imaging any pathologies in the gallbladder, diaphragm and lung airway pathologies, as well as possible masses, tumors in the abdominal part, kidneys and urinary tract. The patient’s anxiety caused by pregnancy is never out of the question for Fetal MRI.