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Nifty Test

What is the Nifty Test?

The Nifty test is a test that has been preferred by many people in recent years and is performed during pregnancy. The human body has an amazing system.

With this test, it is performed to find out the anomalies that occur in chromosomes such as Down syndrome, trisomy 13 and trisomy 18, which are very common today.

It is possible to detect changes in the structure of chromosomal abnormalities with the nifty test performed at 10 weeks of pregnancy.

In addition, it is possible to find out the gender of the baby definitively at the age of 10 weeks with the nifty test. The nifty test, which is carried out very often in our country, can be carried out quite simply and safely.

These tests are very important for a thorough investigation of the health of the mother and baby during the pregnancy process and for an easy way to get through this process.

How is the Nifty Test Performed?

When the Nifty test is to be performed, blood is simply taken from the mother’s arm and filled into special tubes. The blood taken in special tubes is sent to the laboratories where the research will be carried out.

The sample taken from the mother by experts using the latest technological equipment is examined in detail and concluded. It has been observed that exact results are obtained with the nifty test, which is also recommended by many obstetricians today.

Samples taken from the mother are finalized within an average of 10 to 15 days. It is possible to have this test performed by mothers who are in the risk group, as well as expectant mothers who do not have any risk.

during the 40-week pregnancy period, some ultrasound examinations and some tests with scientific methods are applied. During the examinations, the baby’s nuchal thickness is measured and risk factors are tried to be determined.

In addition, amniocentesis techniques that require intervention in the mother’s body may also be preferred. However, the percentage of reliability of amniocentesis chorionic villus biopsy procedures performed is very low.

8 Of pregnancy. with the Nifty test performed after the week, it is determined more precisely than with other methods whether the baby has trisomy 21, trisomy 13 or trisomy 18.

When Is the Nifty Test Applied?

After the operation and blood tests performed by the obstetrician, it is recommended that mothers take a nifty test in some cases.

Nifty test, 8. from week 10 of pregnancy. it can be done, including during the week. Chromosomal abnormalities can be detected with the Nifty test, which does not have any harm to the health of the mother and baby.

The Nifty test, which is performed more safely than other tests performed during pregnancy, is recommended by specialist physicians, especially for some mothers.

Human DNA consists of a total of 46 chromosomes. These chromosomes, 23 belong to the mother and 23 belong to the father. However, due to some reasons, some problems may occur in the chromosomes, although rare.

The chromosome disorders that occur cause some syndromes to occur in the baby. Down syndrome, which is very common especially in recent years, aka thyrozole 21, causes severe or mild mental retardation in the baby.

The Nifty Test Came Out Wrong

People who have had nifty tests performed in some private health institutions have some complaints about the issue. For the nifty test, which is more reliable than other tests, the result usually takes longer than expected to Decode, is among the most complained about issues.

In addition, erroneous results were encountered in the results of double and triple tests performed at certain periods of pregnancy, which is more common. The Nifty screening test is recommended by many doctors today.

What Does It Mean If the Result is Negative or Positive?

With the possibilities of new generation technology, it is possible to diagnose many diseases in advance. It is possible to carry out the test with several tubes of blood taken from expectant mothers.

The fact that the Nifty test results are negative indicates that the baby does not have trisomy at a rate of 99.9 percent. In addition, a positive test result indicates that the baby has a trisomy rate of 99.9 percent.

Is the Nifty Test Covered By Health Insurance?

It is possible for people to have nifty tests in case of risky pregnancy or in accordance with their wishes.

People who want to take the Nifty test must first sign the requested form and perform the transaction. Blood taken from pregnant mothers is sent to special laboratories and expected to be finalized.

within a short period of time, such as 10-15 days, the analysis results are sent to the doctors who requested the test. One of the issues that expectant mothers who will have a Nifty test are curious about is whether the costs of the test are covered by health insurance.

The Nifty test, unfortunately, is not covered by health insurance. People who will take the test must pay a certain fee.

What are the Nifty Test Features?

8 Of pregnancy. the nifty test, which is performed starting from the week of pregnancy, allows trisomy disorders in chromosomes to be detected during pregnancy.

The possibility of early detection is provided by the Nifty test, which allows to reach a more reliable and accurate diagnosis than other methods. The Nifty test, which provides the possibility of detection at an early stage, provides great convenience and advantage to both the mother and the doctor.

In addition, the nifty test performed on the blood taken from the mother does not pose any risk to the health of the mother and baby.

It does not carry risks, even at a minimal level, compared to other methods performed during certain periods of pregnancy. In addition, it is possible to diagnose the sex of the baby at an early stage with the nifty test.

How to Understand the Nifty Test Gender?

The Nifty test can be administered for any pregnant woman who is in the risk group or. But for mothers over the age of 35, risky IVF treatments are more necessary for women who are in the risk group, such as repeated miscarriages and abortions. It is very important for women who have experienced trisomy types in their previous pregnancies to do this test.

After an ultrasound examination performed by a specialist obstetrician, a nifty test is also recommended for mothers who show a risk of anomalies. One of the issues that families are most curious about during pregnancy is gender.

Learning gender during pregnancies can sometimes be a long process. In the nifty tests performed, it is also possible to find out the sex of the baby when the chromosome and DNA are examined in detail. Only in this way is it possible to accurately determine the sex of the baby by looking at the sequence of chromosomes.

Those Who Test Positive for Nifty

After the nifty test, which is examined using the latest technological equipment in special laboratories, the test result may be positive. A positive result of the test indicates that the baby has a high percentage of chromosomal abnormalities. In pregnancies where a chromosomal disorder such as trisomy13, trisomy 18 or trisomy 21 occurs, they should contact genetics specialists.

Action should be taken in accordance with the precautions that can be taken and the information of the genetic specialist. In infants with trisomy, some health problems are encountered. With early treatment, it is possible to cure the disease by treating possible diseases in infants.

Nifty Test Prices 2024

The nifty test, which is performed reliably and quite practically, is demanded by many families today. Nifty test fees that are not covered by SGK vary depending on the institution where the transaction is performed.

In addition to this, the laboratory where the test will be performed and which diseases are requested to be detected are also the factors referenced in determining the price. If the people applying for the Nifty test request that the chromosomal abnormality is also detected, there will automatically be an increase in the price.

Since there are price changes in Nifty test fees in certain periods, it is necessary to contact the health institution where the procedure will be performed for up-to-date and detailed information.

In which cases it is necessary to apply for the Nifty test and it would be more useful to contact a specialist obstetrician about the details of the Nifty test. Contact us now to get information about Nifty test prices 2024.