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PCR Testing

What is a PCR Test?

The PCR test is the test that helps to determine the genetic material of the virus contained in the human body. Although it is generally considered to be used for corona virus diagnosis today, it has been actively applied in the medical field for a long time. It is a diagnostic method that is effective even if there are a small number of viruses in the human body.

It is also used as an effective diagnostic technique for genetic diseases, cancer research, paternity testing, virus-borne diseases such as hepatitis. As Safir imaging, all tests are performed reliably with the help of state-of-the-art devices and the results are given to patients without waiting. A PCR test is performed to diagnose at an early stage, and treatment can begin at an early stage without progression.

The experienced work of our specialist physicians benefits from the fact that the tests are performed reliably and the results come out in a short time.

While the purpose of conducting tests is to diagnose viruses, it also helps to identify antibodies involved in the defense system. It is a fairly frequently used test and plays an important role in diagnosing corona today. It provides benefits in detecting the types of viruses and providing information about the amount of them.

How Is the PCR Test Performed?

It is important to provide suitable environment and sterile conditions for PCR test and to examine the samples taken under laboratory conditions. A swab is taken from the patient’s nose and throat with the help of a special swab. This swab sample is sent to the laboratory to be examined. The transportation process to the laboratory takes place by placing the sample in a special liquid.

The samples are examined and the results are obtained at the end of the determined period and the reports are made to be presented to the specialist physicians. With this test, which is an antibody test, it is measured whether the person has had any infections before and their immunity to diseases.

The necessary treatments start without wasting time by making evaluations by specialist physicians according to the reporting of the tests.

Where Is the PCR Test Performed?

The PCR test, which serves to measure the presence of viruses in the person’s body and the person’s immunity, must necessarily be performed in hospital conditions for examination in laboratories. PCR Testing It is important to make sure that the appropriate conditions are provided.

As Safir imaging, the tests of patients are performed by specialists with the correct techniques under sterile conditions. We provide service with an experienced staff and in this context, we are able to report the results of patients without waiting too long. It is also possible to conduct tests in each center approved by the ministry of health if appropriate conditions are provided.

The suitability of the hospital conditions depends not only on being sterile, but also on being able to provide laboratory services. In our Safir imaging center, all the necessary tests for the virus are performed in appropriate environments and it is ensured that patients complete the process comfortably.

What are the Advantages of PCR Testing?

This test, which allows the detection of viruses and the initiation of treatment at an early stage, has many advantages. In particular, the results coming out in a short time and the absence of blood collection like other tests are one of the biggest advantages it provides.

A PCR test, which is a highly reliable test, is a test that provides benefits for patients to be quarantined to detect viruses in their bodies and reduce the risk of transmission. Obtaining results in the early stages also benefits other people to be treated without putting their health at risk.

Antibody testing, which allows obtaining results in a short time and early treatment, is the most commonly used diagnostic method in today’s corona epidemic. In our sapphire imaging center, tests are performed reliably in sterile environments. In this way, the results of the tests are correct and the treatment, which should be, can start at an early stage.

When Do The Test Results Come Out?

When the Decimation time of the samples and the reporting of the test are counted together, the PCR test results will be delivered to the patient within 24 hours at the latest. If the sampling period is not delayed and it is done immediately, it is possible to get the results on the same day.

In general, while it is possible to obtain results between 1-3 hours in all tests, the conditions of the health facility and the sampling time are calculated and an estimated time is Deciphered to the patient. At the end of this period, a report can be prepared to be sent to specialist physicians and to inform the patient.

Are Tests Performed Every Day of the Week?

These are tests performed if a person feels any symptoms of discomfort in himself or is considered appropriate under the supervision of a specialist physician. These tests do not have any time and can be performed at any time if the appropriate conditions are met.

As Safir Imaging, we provide service to our patients in our center by conducting tests around the clock with an experienced staff. You can get information by appointment and have your tests done at our center, which is reliably convenient. In order for the results of the tests to be correct, it is important to conduct tests at the right time and to the right people in the appropriate environments.

Athletes who need to go abroad, beginners in the workplace, it is absolutely necessary to conduct tests before undergoing surgery. It is a test that can be repeated both in order to protect one’s own health and to prevent the creation of any threat to the other party.

What is an Antibody Test?

It is important to perform an antibody test to determine the viruses in a person’s body and to measure whether they are immune to diseases. Antibody testing is an important study conducted to determine whether the body produces antibodies against certain molecules. As Safir imaging, the antibody test that can be applied in our center helps to diagnose at an early stage by reliably obtaining the results.

Is This Test Reliable?

It is very important to identify the right time and the right people for the tests and to provide appropriate conditions. It is a very reliable test in terms of corona virus detection and it is a test that is quite necessary in terms of measuring the values for the epidemic that is happening today and diagnosing the diagnosis.

Its reliability varies depending on whether it is done correctly by experienced people. For this reason, it is absolutely necessary to choose the centers approved by the ministry of health for testing.

What is the Difference Between a PCR Test and an Antibody Test? Dec

Antibody tests are tests performed not to measure the presence of a virus, but to determine whether a person has had an infection before, how much immunity to viruses he has. A PCR test is performed to diagnose the presence and amount of the virus. While the antibody cannot determine the disease according to the PCR test, the other test determines the disease and benefits from treating it at an early stage.

Another difference between the tests is that the antibody test is performed by taking blood, while the other PCR is performed by taking swabs from the throat and nose.

Antibody measurement of resistance to disease another test is a test used to determine whether there is a disease. In the antibody test, it is checked whether the person has established immunity first, especially against the corona epidemic.

Both tests are of great importance in their respective fields and should definitely be performed. In some cases, it is done with the symptoms of the disease, while in some cases, it is recommended to do it at times that specialist physicians deem appropriate, even if there are no symptoms.

PCR Test Prices 2024

According to the reports released by the Ministry of health, PCR tests, which should be performed free of charge in public hospitals, can also be performed free of charge in private centers recently. For this reason, it is important to get information by making an appointment beforehand or to get information about the process with the help of d telephone.

Nowadays, when the state of necessity begins to occur, it is absolutely necessary to conduct tests in order to avoid the risk of transmission, and it is necessary to believe in the reliability of the results if they are in the right centers under the appropriate conditions. You can contact us immediately to get information about pcr test prices 2024.